515 Area code

Country : United States
State : Iowa
(Des Moines, Fort Dodge)

Recent posts

From: Tricia Gilbert 5157256142


From: Christa5159658097

missed call

From: Lisa Hool5157353043

they keep calling

From: anyone USA5158972155

Scam call about irs law suit.

From: Sarah5153031051

"69haring, Thank you for registering! Please reply with "YES" to receive dating notifications. (msg:36W27)"

From: Deanna Salyers5155125564

called landline. said they had job information. I never use that phone for any type of job information.
asked for my name. Someone else hung up on them after they gave their speech.

I am not leaving my real name in case this is a scam also.

From: Carl5152226269

Call received but nobody was talking/answering, background sounded like an open office space or maybe call-center like.

From: Eliza5152021335

Private investigator

From: Idi Amin5156127196

Polk County Jail

From: Monika515737925

Ktoś ostatnio dzwonił do mnie z tego numeru... Przedstawił się jako rafał, ale nie zbyt kojarzyłam itp umówiłam się z nim ale nie poszłam poszukuje osoby która może znać ten nr

From: j5153934988

Called, No message left. Blocked now on cell

From: Rebecca Coffin5157956025

This person claims to be US soldier and threatening me and black mail me by demanding money.

From: Carla5159817638

Have an add on Craigslist and got
This text message below. Definitely a scammer!!!

"Thanks. I have seen the pic on the craigslist and am ok with it along with the conditions. But i won't be able to come in person due to my tight schedule. I will be making payment via check which will be mailed to you today through a courier service and it's 2 days delivery. Pickup will be arranged afterwards. Please text your name, address ( state and city) zipcode."

From: Kim5152677907

Recieved call two three times a day. I called back and didn't get an answer. About an hour later someone calls me.
Ask if they were speaking to myself they said my name.
I asked who they were. The guy gave me his name but who he was with wasn't clear. He told me there was a report and said the call was being monitored.
Then he asked me to verify the last four of my social has he said it.
When I verified then told him that i hear scouffling he got very defensive and said im hearing other people. I told him that i know the difference between people and noise and that he wasn't being processional.
He said something to me then hung up.

From: Tifani5159747861

This guy says his name is Jack Spencer and is a big star in motorcross sports.

From: Tom Kelly5152976456

Date site

From: Don't know.5157587382

Sells fake rentals. Gets the money from innocent folks. There really is no property.

From: Ramon5159577450


From: Jeff5154519423

Robo call from marriet hotels with a special offer

From: LLC5157705700

Called no voicemail