514 Area code

Country : Canada
State : Quebec

Recent posts

From: Diane Renaudin5143655837

This number is owned by Scientology Church (Cult)... just hang up.

From: candra51402189

just missed call

From: CH5146635417

it's a text message

From: deb5142997451

claimed to be my grandson spending a week in mexico. I know where my grandson is and it isn't in mexico. when i told him he wasn't he hung up

From: Negar Thomas5144372700

Montreal number asking about my classified ad. Poor grammar and spelling.

From: satnamsingh5146120720

I want to know whose no. Is this

From: hawraa5143189626

Miss call

From: Annoyed5148269250

RoboSally: "...Air Canada has credit your last flight of 990$. Press one to..... " and I hung up scowling that they ate 0.25$ of my pay as you go plan....grrrrrr