513 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio
(Cincinnati, Middletown)

Recent posts

From: Gideon5138266307

They've called me 4 times within 2 days

From: Natalie M Taulbee5133847429

Called me idk who they are

From: V def5136789367

The woman said she was calling from time Warner cable. Knew all of my information, said she was a 3rd party person that had disconnect orders to fulfill and mine was one of them unless I paid her 191 dollars. I told her I don't feel comfortable with giving her money without 1st speaking to someone at the 1800 number. What do you know, no disconnect order for my address, did not owe 191 to continue service etc. Scam alert!!

From: Ellis Grigsby5137189006

Don't know

From: tony5135827969

Called me didn't talk

From: dARLA5132845257

keep getting text from this number

From: Daniel Henry 5134093685

this is a number I've used for contacting someone to rent a house but i found out it was a scam and i really want to know where i can track to number so i can track that person

From: Allison Parker5134881021

Said she worked for a collection service. If I did not pay today she was going to have me arrested.

From: Jane Jackson5132578919

They keep calling me.

From: Joe Swanson5136574274

scam. no one should be calling you for computer support...you call them!

From: mary5134455602

Received a text message, "Hello"

From: KB5135160537

It's someone named Addie Maines or Benjamin Garrett Brown, they've been harassing people for literally YEARS.

From: Barb G5133623713

Didn't answer. called at 2:42 pm

From: Blankie5133704898

This number continues to text me offering fish scale. I have no clue who this person is and don't know if I should report it to the police

From: Pm5136731670

Three calls in three days. leaves VM 2 seconds long of dead air. Verizon wireless number.

From: Sandy5133198870

Just unknown call

From: Denesha 5136788147

They keep playing on my phone

From: Alexandra Harding5138960592

Called and hung up

From: Reese Morris5133768986

I don't know this number.

From: g dog5138158257
