512 Area code

Country : United States
State : Texas

Recent posts

From: Bob5123879256

I didn't receive a call but thought I would help others out when they go to search for this number.

On the back of the missed delivery notice I received, it mentioned nucards.com and you can easily check that out online. They are basically giving you coupons but when you call them, they want a phone number and/or email address. Then they get to send you SPAM as well as people that pay them money; so you will get even more SPAM.

Other reports also show that they try to sell you an alarm system. One website even claimed that people that stated they didn't have one or need one, got robbed down the road.

So, if you get a notice for this number, don't call them, throw it in the trash like I did.

From: Que5126406172

Just had this call and like an idiot I opted to set up payment arrangements out of fear for going to jail. Brian Dannas or Danner was the one who called me then connected me to a Robert Newmam who was the “process server” He sent me to about 2 different people who then took my payment info. Once done something didn't sit right with me about it so I looked it up and found this post and a few others proving it is 100% fake. I called them back and no one would give me a real address or details about the company and the last person I spoke with was extremely rude about getting me email confirmation and a address. He just kept saying the letter head would have the address just wait for the email. When they finally did email me something the document looks 100% fake and made up. I called my bank canceled my card and have blocked the phone number from contacting me. DO NOT PAY THESE PPL. HANG UP AND BLOCK THEM.

From: Allan5124749468

This is Central Texas Search. Called and left a message "regarding my resume". This outfit makes it sound like they have a job offer for you, but it’s a ploy to get you into their offices and hope they can corner you into buying their services, which by the way are extremely expensive.

From: L5128547820

say they want to hire

From: Stephanie Langley 5128972671

Suspicious text

From: none5126991811

Calls and hangs up

From: Spencer McKay5129884287

Person texted me and is harassing me

From: Anthony5129253297

automated call about credit cards and getting them refinanced. press a number to talk to someone.

From: Kelly5122986028

No name

From: cc5127991920

Random call

From: vanessa martin 5128393143

it was a dropped call

From: CHARLES WILLIAMS5122841520

She's harassing me

From: mary gutowski5126535125

Don 't know

From: C5123411935

Hang up call

From: Cat5126401728

This number keeps calling me and does not say anything when i answer.

From: Paul Blazewick Jr5128449392

collections agent. told them i was in bankruptcy, they threatened me with physical harm

From: m5126588101


From: cshort5124335119

looking for attorney numberwandering if this is it

From: ana5125010394

texting me

From: Kelly5127903408
