510 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Oakland, Hayward)

Recent posts

From: Justin Easter5103298991

number call from time to time

From: RM5107225573

I received texts to purchase items on Craigslist. The payment that was sent was a fraudulent cashiers check.

From: pen5102441660


From: ashley5104994313

to many calls

From: Anonymous5109316653

Could not identify self.

From: Norm Aiching5103707876

they call me 20 times in a row and never stop

From: b5102906606


From: fedup in Cali5103701873

I NEVER answer unknown callers. If it IS important enough, the person will leave a voice mail. I have contacted the DA's office in my county several times re: these types of calls, and they have advised NOT to answer...somehow these scammers can "plug" into your cell number and use it for nefarious and scamming purposes, so please do not answer or call back unknown numbers , especially if no voice mail is left. I was advised to block the numbers.

From: filipino guy5108158643

Really cool guy, very funny

From: Persona5109628340

no one says anything. may be auto dailer, waiting to respond to a voice.

From: Fred5103967162

Delivery driver, calling because there was an issue.

From: Alex5109244285


From: joe5103773412

hung up

From: Annoyed5109315658

Fraudulent "debt collector" called with my information claiming I owed money for health services I received out of state. I had paid for those services in full before I even got the help needed, so I just called the doctor's office to make sure I didn't owe anything new. The doctor said I was paid in full and that I had NOT been referred to a debt collection company.

I'm not sure how these people got my information, but they are NOT safe. Do NOT give them your information. Report them (and any number they call from) to the Fraud department of the Better Business Bureau.

From: Alexandria Harwood5103648478

Two second long voicemail. First second was blank. Second second was an erm sound from a man

From: am c5104029472


From: Rajarao5107250462

From berkeley

From: me5108338531

no voice mail

From: Sarah Chavez5103352164

Sarah Chavez Cell phone

From: Chad5104426341

Who is this person