435 Area code

Country : United States
State : Utah
(Logan, Blanding, Richfield)

Recent posts

From: Jackson Ford4352565628

Random call

From: Natalie Gibbs4353934027

This gentleman claims to be a Hiring Manager for Halward Medical. Total scam. After speaking for a few moments his broken English came out Be very careful.

From: "Pastor Kenneth C Fr4359155672

Property listing fraud. This 'person' would text you and say they are currently out of the country/city/state, on a missio- church related and would prefer if you sent a deposit on a rental listing (house) you seen online and then they would Fedex the keys to you. It is fraud. They try to rush you into to it as well!

From: cj4358973752

Missed call

From: J Powers4352260391

this number keeps calling asking for Sonya Powers

From: cindy4353639743

Text sent to my 12 year old daughter's phone from this number asking her to text them and saying that they'd send her nude pictures.

From: Edward4352726483

Keeps calling me with very strange offers

From: shane4355550130

Odd phone call with an automated answering service. Tells me my bank account has been frozen. in order to re activate I need to type in my account number. This is when I hang up the phone!

From: Caitlin4359320802

Keeps texting me