415 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(San Francisco, Novato, San Rafael)

Recent posts

From: Kandi4154074893

Gets mad about your screening questions ...says he don't give other people numbers for reference. Local Bay Area celebrity...Real mellow gentleman@

From: Thomas Mckaine4157568192

Very perverted weird caller,A True Stalker,,Beware of this person..Tries to meet up with the people he randomly calls for who knows what..I called the Police and Reported

From: Art4156537200

I don't know who this is

From: kristi4153078148

Call and hang up. No voicemail

From: User4155789182

Called from "Biz Fly" - based in New York City.

From: Kristl Cortright4152512537

Received a call from a man with an accent stating his name was Michael Green, and he stated that he was with A-1 Cash Advance. He had a very heavy middle eastern accent.
He had my name, phone number, address, DOB, credit score, bank name and possibly account numbers (I wouldn't let him say them over the phone). He then asked me to confirm my SSN number and Driver's license number, both of which he had, but I didn't confirm if what he had was accurate.
He informed me that I had been approved for a loan that I had applied for, and that it came with free insurance that was provided by the federal government. He told me that they would deposit the money into my account to pay the federal government for the insurance, and that once they received the notification, that I transferred the money into my account that they would then deposit the full amount of the loan to my account. He then proceeded to ask me for my online login and password to my account, as they would need that to deposit the money to my account.

From: Danielle4157629988

£17 phone charge for a 19 minute call to this number comes up as USA, did not call this number

From: Tammy4159696309


From: Some one4154187916

Dating site scam. Wants you to register and use credit card.

From: Sh4158701068

This number said my name then said you have a match some local boy is talking about you then it sent me a link to an app

From: James Newman4155393535

This is an interesting one. This number may not be in use anymore but it once belonged to Phil Zimmermann who created PGP Encryption software. It's listed on his website but it's not a simple number for anyone to quickly read.

If the number is still in use by Phil then it looks like someone is spoofing his number which pretty much anyone can do nowerdays. It's possible for anyone to call someone and have the number show as 911 or any other number you so desire.

Most likely the number is no longer in use since he sold PGP to Symantec and his website is stuck in the mid 90's apart from a few updates.

Only way to avoid these calls is to cancel your phone and stop using it which isn't much of an option really. This all thanks to large companies who want the ability to hide the fact their calls may be coming from staff members homes rather than the office and anyone can join the service and use it.

From: Anon4153610545

Received several calls from this number. Robo? You call it and the number has been disconnected.

From: shane4158513157

random text about afterschoolapp

From: Rob4157422849

Got a call from this number. Asked all sorts of questions about my business (Location, operating hours,, website address,etc) Since it was not a local number, Iasked if she was visting. She said yes. When asked where she was she got flusstered and hung up

From: Sandra4157537899

This call was weird. It said I was qualified for 2 nights at the Marriott hotel in San Francisco. She asked inappropriate unprofessional questions that didnt concern my qualification and asked if i had a partner and needed his name etc... I tried calling back and it was a probation dept.

From: MizKatz4153575904

(415) 357-5904 called the evening of April 7, 2016, but caller ID said Unknown, and the Warriors were winning against the Spurs, so I wasn't going to answer the call. This morning I called back just to see what would happen and it seems this number is being used to mask another or as a cover for VoIP. I got a recording from AT&T informing me the that this number is not in service.

From: Dave4156122760

Some dirtbag. Sent to my voice mail but they didn't leave a message.

From: Howard Moo4159513824

Text saying "Your verification code is ######. The code expires in 5 minutes - FriendLife"

This at 4:07 and again at 4:20 AM.

Apparently FiendLife is some social media site, but that may or may not be related...

Yay, I just found out that I m not a robot!

From: Hemi4152545981

"Exclusive announcement from Marriot hotels..."

I hung up after that. I'm on the do not call list.

From: Nicole4153159456

Caller has an accent and claims that I qualified for my loan and they need some information from me to set up monthly payments. They call several times a day and if I don't answer, they will not leave a message. It's a SCAM!