410 Area code

Country : United States
State : Maryland
(Baltimore, Cambridge)

Recent posts

From: Jodi Fisher4109801046

who is the number calling

From: Caylie4104976779

It just called

From: Trailhorse4109210608

A gal saying she had a barrel horse for sale Nicole Summer but the pictures are stolen off of Facebook walls

From: Brian 4106032491


From: Jeff4105966100

Has called a few times here and there but want answer when I pick up or call back

From: Aaliyah 4108780030

Calls and says nothing

From: John Doe4106274699

random call

From: Ian Williams4103534644


From: Cedric4103828230

Want to know who

From: Beth Douglas4105529861

This person texts me and says that she is new to the area (even though I know by the area code that she lives in a different state), that she has seen pictures of me and that if I talk to her she will make it worth my while. She also sent one suggestive photo.

From: Angela4104594221

They called many times at once

From: ADIL4105857448


From: frank4106578276

just a hello

From: Sulienid4105015185

I think thats my ex bff phone number

From: Elizabeth S4106794678

On Caller ID, this number comes up as a call from "Joann Grier". In this call a man with an Indian accent stated that he was from the "Windows Technical Support Center" and that they had been notified that I had a trojan virus on my computer that I got off the internet and he wanted to walk me through the steps on how to fix it. I argued with him for a minute or two about having the wrong number and he assured me that it was my computer and he had the right number. I then had to assure him that we did NOT have even one PC in the house, only Macs. Then he hung up on me. I know it was a scam, and this is the third time this year we've received a call like that. They always come from different numbers. I don't know how to make them stop.

From: Kendra Buchanan4102270328

Says they are selling a car

From: susan4104246419

text saying "Hey!!"

From: amy4104772279

called me

From: Ashley4104880195

No message was left

From: Leslie4102078889

offered to lower credit card interest rate and tried to trick me into verifying my card to charge $695 fee. when I challenged them they got belligerent and said I already approved it and to just accept it and enjoy the benefits.