409 Area code

Country : United States
State : Texas
(Beaumont, Galveston)

Recent posts

From: crystal4097676473

Askin my name

From: Michael Chandler4093300686


From: jaimie4092394579

anonomys call

From: LWandell4097537778

This guy with a somewhat sounding Brooklyn, NY accent calls asking if I'm looking for a job. If you agree, he then says you're on a recorded line and then starts in on the personal question. (I was hesitant because he didn't state his name, or what company he was with or how he got my number. Seemed to sound like he was trying to get info from me so he could steal my ID) .. I ended up hanging up on him. [BLOCKED}

From: mannie4095046721

called me

From: Maria Velazquez4092015833

phone call

From: K4092422074

Prime Acceptance Corp - Auto Loan Company

From: Shannon4095601520

Didn't pick up, no message.

From: chris swecker4092927828

Stated that I was a winner for a grant called easter grant for 200, 000.00 wanted me to pay 500.00 for court fees and cost.

From: jd4097621529

Calls often no message. I am on do not call list.

From: Duane4096842449

Says they are from the IRS and are preparing to sue if I don't call back. It's absolute BS. The IRS never calls with a message like this. Not only that, why would they ask you to call THEM back if you've already answered the phone. It's such an obvious scam.

From: Gnik Alegna4092022055

Phoenix Financial (Debt collector)

From: Garth Notestine4092610136

I keep getting these calls all hours of the day to "lower my interest rate on my credit card" funny thing, don't have one..... anyway, they have a press a number "2" option to be placed on a do not call list.... have pressed it for the past two months.... still calling, sometimes 2:00 in the morning.... yeah, wanna see a pissed wife.

From: Amy Collins4098883528

couldn't hear the call back number

From: Laurie Hamshire 4095505154

Don't know who it is keeps calling me

From: minnie4099390926

don't know the number

From: niki4097489886

they call and hang up

From: j4094223278

they texted me saying that they were my dead friend

From: srevr4097959531

Hung up on me

From: Cuca4097249505

Prank call