323 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Los Angeles)

Recent posts

From: Diana Martinez3232513465

Keep hunting up after listening my voice...

From: karla3232828013

regresa el celular

From: Softec3233595608

phone call

From: Trish3235932016


From: Kim smith3236750496

Romance scams

From: Sophia 3234588768

Asking me about who I am

From: Ty3232058890

Was sexually explicit and had a link attached

From: Jj3236757890


From: Wayne Swier3234521888

Just txt messaging, but asking odd personal questions

From: Samantha aguirre3233158834


From: Mira Park3233835905

Called at 6:41am on August 27

From: mel3239208468

They are wanting money. He gave two numbers beware of this person. He will try to ask you for money.

From: Bob marlet 3234461584


From: Steve sanchez3235138265

They just call me but never say anything.

From: Sharon J.3233944315

RE: (323) 394-4315 When I answered this call a recording came on stating that I was eligible to lower my credit card interest rate to 6% and if I was interested I should press 1. I did, a man with a middle eastern accent and much noise in the background came on and said he was from card member services and wanted to know which of my credit cards had the highest balance. He asked if it was visa or master card. I said actually it was American Express. He asked approximately how much my balance was. I told him around $8,000. He said this is the card ending in 3000, correct? I said yes. He asked me the expiration date on the card. I gave it to him. I then asked him if I would be charged a transaction fee for a balance transfer. He said this was not a balance transfer and that he was just going to lower my interest rate. He said, "You're getting this call because I'm assuming you are making more than the minimum payment each month otherwise you wouldn't be on this list, is that correct?" I said yes. Then he said,

From: Lena3233719000

I got a weird text......Matori mojo neo je srecan!!! ....
I did a reverse lookup and found out it was in Serbian!!! The text means.....let my old man is happy.........
Very very strange.

From: lunell3234264339

texting my parents phone and sending threats

From: j walsh3237322401

just got call

From: unknown3233819354

missed call

From: marina3235235943
