317 Area code

Country : United States
State : Indiana

Recent posts

From: Travis3179098997

Heavy hindu accent called saying we owe a payday loan and hung up when we asked for some1 we can understand better and i called back on a different number and now its gone says its in washington dc Columbia's distract its a SCAM never use a payday loan and who would loan her 800+ dollars lol

From: John Meoff3179987139

Spanish speaking person.
did not understand anything he said.

From: john3179996377

missed calls

From: Chris3178957297

No answer, no voicemail. If you call back you get the busy signal.

From: Jose3175156432

Text'd me at 4 AM that they will call in the morning (I did not call them), and then text'd a second time at 9 AM saying that they'll save me money on my student loans. They're a marketing scam.

From: 31762769003176276900

wtf this is my phone number i looked up

From: jeff lawson3177932278

it call's two and then the phone turn's off

From: Autumne 3179935506

Unknown person wanting to buy an item fir sale off a yard sale site

From: Darci Peterson3174765729

Said he knows me and Idk who he is

From: Michael R Tuller3173163586

This is some kind of time share/travel agency that got my cell phone number from a Ft. Lauderdale time share company that offered us a cruise, which we took about a year ago. We did not buy a condo. Since then, I get about 10 calls per week from different travel companies asking if I took the cruise. They call from different numbers. Sometimes there is no one on the line when I answer the call. When they do answer, I tell them I am on the Florida no-call list and not to call.

From: Me3172109274

Very bad Indian accent, could not understand what he was saying, asked him to repeat several times his name. I hung up.

From: Claudia3175275730

Calla me at 3am and i dont know.

From: Email3175317014

Belligerent caller. Called our business and was abusive. His name is Brian.

From: caller reciver3175992929

beware, fraudulent insurance caller.

From: poo3179837451

no answer

From: mike3175473230

I didn't answer

From: Regan Erny3179386569

prank call

From: Derek3173272448

It's the Sheriff's office

From: Credit Card Services3175048114

was called from 2095949698, I asked to be taken off list and was given this # to call: 317-504-8114. Person answered Card Services and I told the man that I was given this number to request the man said I'm sorry and then hung up.

i googled the number and the names of Christopher
& Ellie Huffman are associated with this number.

From: Kristofer conley3175007137

Called yelling