314 Area code

Country : United States
State : Missouri
(Saint Louis)

Recent posts

From: ray gunner3142549211

Texted twice

From: J3143322124

Spam is what i call it. My name and number was not given to them. They bought or obtained my name from a third party.

From: Lil health3144100587


From: paulette3143870639

Calls late nights

From: Susan Powers3143042403

Guys kept calling, never left a message. Claims he had my number, works for a PVC company and is looking for a guy Robert Moore. Caller then states he is a Sales Rep, trainer technician, tried to get more info on "Robert" . This was a business line and the guy had not clue about our company....totally bogus and definitely phishing. He got nothing from me.

From: Hi there3144032932

Weird text

From: juan sebastian3142540526


From: Ilyana Rapp3147324827

Malditos y viles estafadores, porfavor no caigan en su trampa, este número supuestamente es de una compañía llamada castle rock que es un vil fraude, que supuestamente compran tu tiempo compartido a muy buen precio te hacen depositar una cantidad muy importante de dinero y cuando supuestamente ya el trato está hecho simplemente desaparecen. Por favor no caigan en la trampa .

From: V3149252024

Calls frequently but never leaves a message.

From: CINDY LOU3143267698


From: amber white3143647855

I don't know how keep calling

From: Theresa Arnett3144521366

This company keeps calling me and now is trying to find out my race. Now they are calling to ask me to marry them. I have asked them to stop and remove me from their list. The calls keep coming.
Please help make them stop.

From: tim3143622000

I received the call but they just hung up without identifying themselves.

From: Lee Travis 3143933209

Asking questions about bank

From: Gail M3148858770

Called three times in a row and did not leave a message.

From: lzaidel3142210000

name DCorner sent message about Revenue Canada to me. Asked me to call on some numbe. I have nothing to do with Revenue Canada. I am retired. Thank you

From: leo3144961658

no message

From: lorraine evans3149607124

2:20 in the morning twice a recording

From: ANGELA POLETE3146098407


From: al3144499049

no one on the other line