307 Area code

Country : United States
State : Wyoming

Recent posts

From: Anonymous3072727859

Said hey girly would you do me a favor. Kinda creepy of you ask me

From: Thompson3078401932

Just called curious about source

From: Heidi Parr3072231246

Male caller asked my first name. I said yes. He then said he needed to verify my home address to serve me with documents. When asked for clarification, he offered to give me the number of the firm who is suing me. Since I do not know of anyone suing me, I told him he was scamming me, and to not bother me again. He called back 3 more times, when my brother answered and told him to have the Sheriff's department serve me, if the claim was legitimate.

From: Joe3074661033

they call twice a day and leave no message

From: Kira3076792515


From: Stefanie Williams3076555627

Very rude call about my personal matters.

From: Vern3076796773

It was total harassment

From: ciera3072755216

Keeps calling

From: kerri3074625321

Garnishment inpossible I have no out standing dept it's a scam!!

From: aaron3073493239

multiple calls

From: Cody bjorhus3074808479

They texted me and would say who they were

From: BB3072146341

Hang up

From: Sam3073718350

They were mean

From: Nicki3074180373

said he is from Sheriff's department and asked me to call a number as a complaint was lodged against me. Called the Sheriff's dept and they said they had nobody by that name. They confirmed it is a scam

From: Robert3072715673

Vulgar sms

From: somabear13074666652

I just received a call from this number. I don't answer calls from unknown numbers, so I didn't answer it. No message left. I suspect it is a telemarketer or a scam caller.

From: Lori3072566770


From: MB3075456596

Texted in response to horse for sale ad. SCAM

From: somabear13076551833

307-655-1833 called my cell phone Monday morning at 9:25. I don't answer calls from unknown numbers, so I didn't answer. They did not leave a message. I suspect it to be a telemarketer or scam caller.

From: Erin Turman3072487897

didnt answer.. dont know who it is