304 Area code

Country : United States
State : West Virginia

Recent posts

From: tawnya3046984143

Texy message

From: Amy 3045449556

Text messages

From: Ralph Castle3046467099

who is this person who is calling my house?

From: Edgar3044603548

Let me quote the message I was sent , "been trying to get this messaging ap working all day here please TEXT me and let me know if you got this i'll even flash my boobs lol i'm desperate 304-4603548 is my number text me pls." Honestly, this is what I received. I have not responded because I am not pathetic. Be wary of this number.

From: donna3044033727

They cussed me and threatened me

From: jim perkins3046418016

a merry christmas greeting

From: Get_out_da_water3043507010

This is a generic number IRS revenue officers use to collect un-filed 1044 tax returns. The government wants its tax money so it can piss it away. Our deficit is 17 trillion and it ISNT from un-filed middle class taxes.

From: david Jobs3046369696

Call me

From: GOTH3042470830


From: Rosemary Peck3044940459

hang up

From: josh3042852140

Said they could lower my interest rate on my credit card, talked with someone and I asked which card and he said visa, And i said that's not very specific and he hung up on me. Since I don't have credit cards I was a bit suspicious lol, comes up as an Bennett Anesthesia Cons Pllc in WV so they are using a fake number

From: lourdes3045891497

quisiera saber el pais ql que pertenece

From: ricky3042070119

They keep calling

From: steph3045542574


From: Amanda 3047192394

Just didnt know who it was or why they were calling

From: Sam Owen3049141318

Said she was a Libertarian and was threatened by police officers in Kansas.

From: shorty 3047166429

Random talking

From: Anthony3043550991

They call me and when I answer they won't say nothing

From: Erin Gerzema3043081228

This person called and asked if I would help her get to her doctors appointment. She said it was urgent because she just found out that she is HIV positive and she needed her medicine. I googled her phone number and it came up as a phone number for a girl that was offering escort services. Hopefully whomever decides to lay with this girl will use protection.