302 Area code

Country : United States
State : Delaware

Recent posts

From: Sara Beodeker3026501018

I only heard white noise

From: Harry Crowley3022337646

He Says he is collecting for veterans, but he is just another scammer after your credit card number.
Let's put them all in jail.
You can't trust anyone anymore!

From: Angela 3024171790

They say they have puppies for sale which is about half off the cost so you text them and they dont live where the ad says and want you to pay to ship the puppy. I dont think so!

From: kk3023969426

called midnight

From: ericsmith3025355713


From: george3024131047

got an email from " Lillian Gregory" talking about me texting her but I didn't fall for it.

From: ann3024081568

text messages

From: latanya3023198020

my husband crazy baby mama created a fake number saying i texted her this is the number she gave . I haven't texted her from this number trying to see what number this is

From: H3024937377

No idea who this number belongs to, I do not answer calls from unknown numbers

From: shannon3024827723


From: Shawn3025430987

Just keep calling

From: james3024484682

Missed call

From: poop3024795566

asked to have sex with me for money. im not prostitute, i dont charge

From: Taylor Collison3026043871

This number has been calling and texting and wont reveal who they are.

From: tammy brown3027230479


From: eric johnson3027865047

said that they were going to gardnish my wages

From: Leo3027609637

Its a telemarketing company that is trying to scam Russian speakers in the USA. I told them 100 times not to call me but they tell me that they cant take off the number from the calling list.

From: x3024552325

claiming we won a car or other prices. asking that i call to 0043820946027, of which i´ve read on line that it´s a virus.

From: toys3024235537

Called me this morning

From: TJ3026971507

Claims to be Darlene Jackson from a debt collection agency called Becker, Rodman and Associates out of Delaware. They would have no reason to contact our business to inquire about any of our employees as such debt collection calls are not permissible here and may violate privacy laws. Told her to never contact our business again. If they need to collect money from someone, they must deal directly with the person they seek after business hours on that person's private cell or home phone.