248 Area code

Country : United States
State : Michigan

Recent posts

From: po2482408181

who called

From: olga2484913853

Me escribe sms como si fuera una q conocí por facebbok yo creo que es un estafador dice llamarse jeff Anthony me pueden verificar por favor q es

From: darlene gibson2483926447

Wanna return it found it

From: Heather Chavez 2487603398

Posing as a women for hooking up. Using pics from dif women to lure other women.

From: kikik2487525418

number called me 10 times

From: Rachel2485086935

text message recieved

From: Anonomous2483307732

Got a strange text that said "A cry for help"

From: ed2489047642


From: frank2489910154

do not answer, appears likely a scam

From: pineapple2486222064

weird texts from someone nearby and wont answer who they are just keep saying weird stuff

From: Andrew2483080903

Call from Vector Marketing selling the Cutco Cutlery Scam

From: willy2484250813

every information you have and up date

From: deron2482387126

Seems to be from a cell phone in the metro detroit michigan area.

From: liana2489245543

it was an sms and i don't wanna take the risk to call the person

From: Gandalf2483879387


From: gblue2483060950

caller hangs up without leaving a message.