225 Area code

Country : United States
State : Louisiana
(Baton Rouge, New Roads)

Recent posts

From: William2253750675

No answer

From: Charlie2252416545


From: White2252564808

Leaves no message, I receive the calls on a regular basis

From: Bratty nasht 2256185770


From: Liz2253372632

Texted me as part of a group text. There are 18 numbers total in on the text and keep texting me. I don't give out my number and don't know how they got my number. I told them to leave me alone that this was harassment. They responded with "I dont test no one." Well, you're testing my patience.

From: Shane Hammond2257065188

Did not answer

From: Flightline2253990470

This number called saying they are the LSU baseball department. Claimed my son recieved a scholarship. When I called the LSU baseball department they had no idea about this scholarship.

From: james stemos2257172593

Didn't recognize the number.

From: beata2254118117

They offer to shed my body for a new one. I have cancer and will not live much longer. They claim that they grow bodies in a lab and can transfer my mind into this new body. Are they for real?

From: penny2256107351

was a text

From: MMC2253497771

Car Warranty Sale

From: Carlonda2254397413

Sending inappropriate pictures

From: trevor2255730407

Strange voicemail

From: misty2253978595

unknown threat

From: dick2253372878

Identified herself as a school teacher, Pre-School, but it may have been a farse.

From: John2252712188

Did not answer. Has called my phone several times over the past few days, but does not leave a voicemail.

Lately I've been getting a lot of political advertisement calls, so I suspect it might be one of those.

From: Caldwell2255001180

No answering

From: Bill2257764241

Number belong to Juanjo Diendo Casas from Baton Rouge Louisiana. He is a general contractor.

From: Ann Towle2254067654

Heavy accent, loud background noise, I could not understand what business he said he was from but he said he was in Washington DC, the area code is from Baton Rouge, LA. I told him to put my number on their corporate Do Not Call list and not to call this number again. He rudely said "Why", I said, "Because this is my number and I told you not to call" I then requested to speak to his real manager not just someone he passes the phone off to. At that point he hung up.

From: sherrie2252234612
