215 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: Lauren2156004878

who is it?

From: alan stasson2154247478

I need to know the owner

From: Steven2153037808


From: Asher 2156457598

Unknown caller

From: maria2154108729

Dice q me gane un carro y me lo escribe por texto cuando hablo con el me pide datos personales y no me dice do de me lo gané le enganchó y me envía una amenaza de Tribunal

From: Tweet Williams 2158209516

Keep calling me

From: Jackie2156809757

I dunno

From: U. N. Owen2152204747

Convergent Outsourcing, a collector of zombie debt. They purchase old debt beyond its statute of limitations and try to trick you. Once they trick you the clock restarts.

From: Sara2152082456

Middle of the night

From: john2153594156

not sure if real

From: Jeff2157161222

they claim that my internet service provider is out of business and they want to refund the whole amount what i had paid to them and there after they took the control of my computer and transferred some money from my savings to checking account, and after two days what i had found the whole amount has been debited out of my account, there after I have to change my whole account numbers and buy additional protection like PC MATIC to get myself secured from these online frauds.

From: Shawn2155655700

It's a United States Marine Recruiter. Extremely polite individual

From: l2158280424

called my cell

From: megan2158239083

scam artist

From: Johnathan Chatman2158177817

Call me and hung up

From: Stephjan2159873651

The call begins with if you don't want to be recorded hang up. The guy answers and asks if I am stephan I tell him yes, Then he wants my e-mail and I told him That the call was not contigent on my email,he became belligerent I told him I wasn't his nigger and to not call me again and if he did I would call the police and have him arrested for harrassing me.

From: steven brown2157916912


From: Tom Branch2155288319

Unknown number who knew my name

From: esther fuentes2156957568

personal email

From: coty2159955786

Texts from this random number when it concerned my son