214 Area code

Country : United States
State : Texas

Recent posts

From: Dom2143776036

I answer the phone, it takes a minute for him to say Hello, and he is looking for my mom, I tell him shes out of town, silence. Then a few minutes later he hangs up, possibly scammer.

From: kp2144603942


From: Marli2145565019

Credence Resoure Management

From: Craig 2142217539

Cursing and threats

From: Fed up2145052311

The number calls all the frikkin time and stops ringin by the time i make it to the phone . Sometimes 2-3 times in a row i noticed on my caller ID, when I have came home. Never leaves a voicemail. Smh. I am disabled so needless to say it really miffs me.

From: 2142149221998

Said they had information for a "name", but wouldn't reveal why they were calling. I wouldn't confirm the social without hearing why they were calling. They hung up.

From: Amica Mutual Insuran2144719187

Amica's claim department, calling about a claim you submitted.

From: sandra sotero2142835857

This is main office of the Regis Group

From: lrewald2145464187


From: Renee2146126999

someone e-mailed me.

From: jeff2146146661


From: Kourtney2146076904

It was just a silent call , no words or nothing . Just breathing

From: beth2149719412

called for a man

From: s thompson2148015627

A "grant bellomy" ranting about how I should use his air conditioning company. Had to hang up on this character. This could be a prank call or a scam call but I never want to hear from him again.

From: dave2144798609

just checking a number given to me

From: M.G.2142766345

Staffing Agency
All Medical Personnel

From: sflp2146179791

none..number just calls

From: ONeal Blanton2143072077

calling and texting

From: Dee2142896718

Who called

From: Alexander2147939917

The called me to see if I wanted to buy something from them. I don't know who this is..