209 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Stockton, Merced)

Recent posts

From: David2098140790

Said he needed to take a look at the attic and garage

From: Kate2093585901

Got a call from this number. Don't know who it is.

From: leanna2094306903

Want to know

From: Bobby2096342973

keeps calling but no message

From: Andrea Kimberleigh G2093363402

FRAUD. they tell you they can get you money by scamming western union.

From: Life2097828675

ID said caller was 'TEST" - obviously someone you don't want to answer the phone for.

From: Jesse2098255946

Ho, hum... another robocall blocked by our Digitone call blocker. We block every call except local area codes. For relatives in other areas we 'invite' their numbers only. A lot of people are blocking calls; won't be long before the scumbags give up (charities and politicians get blocked too; they're not scumbags, just annoying). Robocalls are illegal in PA; not that crooks care. One sad thing though - spoofers are faking legitimate numbers and business names. That, and the thousands of illegal companies making the calls make it impossible to stop spoof/scam calls at the source. Dozens of fines against the scammers have been levied, from a half million to two million dollars. When enough people get a call blocker (especially the easy targets), Rachel at cardholder services will be put out of business. One last thing - 9 out of 10 calls for charitable donations are not worth donating to; 99 out of 100 'police associated' calls are scams.

From: gina jordan2098406242

Want to know the location of my nu

From: Maria2097327171


From: Jennifer2092623038

Saying that they know me, that they are my secret admirer. Weird stuff.

From: chris2092410932

Rude dude trying to be a gangster

From: ACT2095132260

Who is calling my girlfriend?

From: franky2095944601

Just textes

From: karen nibe2092480061

calls cell phone, no voice mail or text, unknown number

From: matilde2098187610

These people keep texting and its annoying,.

From: sahiti2098336111

he is indian born. he is from california. he cheats girls. he tries to get in touch using craigslist website. he says he is a woman on chat. he chats with names like anjali, etc. his real name is swaminatha govindarajan

From: Brent2092152849

Multi calls then hang up when called back

From: Breanna Bullard 2099155418

Just texted me